jesselton university college

SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

Ethical Sourcing Policy

Jesselton University College is committed to upholding ethical standards in all aspects of our operations, including the sourcing of food and supplies. We recognize the significant impact that our purchasing decisions can have on the environment, society, and the global community. As part of our dedication to responsible practices, we have established an Ethical Sourcing Policy to guide our procurement processes.

Policy Statement:
Our Ethical Sourcing Policy aims to ensure that all food and supplies procured by Jesselton University College adhere to the highest ethical standards. We are committed to promoting sustainable and responsible sourcing practices that respect human rights, protect the environment, and foster positive social impact.

Key Objectives:
Human Rights and Fair Labor Practices: We pledge to engage suppliers who uphold fair labor practices, ensure safe working conditions, and respect the rights and dignity of their employees. Forced labor, child labor, and any form of exploitative practices will not be tolerated in our supply chain.

Environmental Responsibility: We strive to work with suppliers who demonstrate environmental responsibility and sustainability in their operations. We prioritize suppliers that minimize their ecological footprint, practice conservation, and support biodiversity.

Transparency and Traceability: Jesselton University College is committed to transparency in our sourcing processes. We seek suppliers who provide comprehensive information about the origin of their products, production methods, and supply chain practices.

Support for Local Communities: We actively seek opportunities to source from local communities, especially from low-income households and outskirt regions. By doing so, we aim to contribute positively to the economic growth and empowerment of these communities.

To achieve our Ethical Sourcing objectives, Jesselton University College will:

  • Conduct thorough due diligence on potential suppliers, ensuring they align with our ethical principles.
  • Collaborate with suppliers to promote continuous improvement in their ethical and sustainable practices.
  • Educate and engage our staff, students, and stakeholders on the importance of ethical sourcing and responsible consumption.

By adhering to our Ethical Sourcing Policy, Jesselton University College is committed to making a positive impact on society and the environment through responsible procurement practices. We believe that through collective efforts, we can contribute to a more just, sustainable, and equitable world.

Waste Disposal Policy:
Hazardous Materials

Jesselton University College is committed to environmental stewardship and the responsible management of hazardous materials. As part of our dedication to sustainability and safety, we have developed a Waste Disposal Policy specifically addressing the handling and disposal of hazardous materials. This policy is in effect as of 2021 to ensure the proper management of such waste.

Policy Statement:
Our Waste Disposal – Hazardous Materials Policy is designed to ensure the safe and environmentally sound handling, storage, transportation, and disposal of hazardous waste generated within Jesselton University College. This policy aims to comply with all relevant regulations and best practices while minimizing our ecological impact and promoting the well-being of our campus community.

Key Objectives:
Compliance with Regulations: Jesselton University College is committed to complying with all applicable laws, regulations, and guidelines related to hazardous waste management. We will stay updated on relevant legislation and continuously adapt our practices to remain in adherence.

Waste Segregation and Storage: We will implement a comprehensive waste segregation and storage system to separate hazardous materials from non-hazardous waste. Proper labeling and containment measures will be followed to ensure the safety of personnel and the environment.

Safe Transportation and Disposal: We will engage licensed and reputable waste disposal service providers to transport and dispose of hazardous waste in a safe and environmentally responsible manner. All disposal practices will be compliant with relevant regulations.

Education and Training: Jesselton University College will provide education and training programs for staff, students, and relevant personnel involved in waste handling to raise awareness about the importance of proper hazardous waste management.

Waste Reduction and Recycling: Where feasible, we will prioritize waste reduction and recycling efforts to minimize the volume of hazardous waste generated. Reuse and recycling initiatives will be promoted as part of our commitment to sustainability.

To uphold our Waste Disposal – Hazardous Materials Policy, Jesselton University College will:

  • Designate responsible individuals to oversee the proper handling and disposal of hazardous waste.
  • Ensure clear communication and guidelines for all staff and students involved in waste management processes.
  • Conduct regular audits and inspections to assess compliance with the policy and identify areas for improvement.

Through our Waste Disposal – Hazardous Materials Policy, Jesselton University College demonstrates its commitment to protecting the environment, ensuring the safety of our community, and promoting sustainable waste management practices. By responsibly managing hazardous materials, we contribute to a healthier and more sustainable campus environment for all.

Waste Disposal Policy: Landfill

Jesselton University College is dedicated to environmental conservation and sustainability. As part of our commitment, we have developed a Waste Disposal – Landfill Policy to measure and manage the amount of waste sent to landfills and promote recycling efforts. This policy has been implemented since 2021 to minimize our environmental impact and foster a culture of responsible waste management.

Policy Statement:
Our Waste Disposal – Landfill Policy aims to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills by prioritizing recycling initiatives and waste reduction practices. We strive to create a sustainable campus environment where waste is managed responsibly and resources are conserved for future generations.

Key Objectives:
Waste Segregation: Jesselton University College will implement a waste segregation system that encourages staff and students to separate recyclable materials from general waste. Clear and accessible waste bins will be provided across the campus.

Recycling Programs: We will establish and support recycling programs for various materials, including paper, plastics, glass, and metals. These initiatives will be promoted to raise awareness and encourage active participation.

Waste Measurement and Reporting: Our institution will implement waste measurement procedures to track the amount of waste generated and the proportion sent to landfills versus recycling centers. Regular reports will be generated to assess our progress in waste reduction.

Waste Reduction Initiatives: Jesselton University College will actively explore and implement waste reduction strategies, such as promoting digital documentation, encouraging reusable materials, and collaborating with suppliers to minimize packaging waste.

Education and Engagement: We will conduct educational campaigns to inform our campus community about the importance of waste reduction and recycling. Workshops and events will be organized to inspire behavioral changes and foster a culture of environmental responsibility.

To achieve the goals of our Waste Disposal – Landfill Policy, Jesselton University College will:

Appoint responsible individuals to oversee waste management initiatives and regularly assess progress.

Collaborate with waste management partners to ensure the proper disposal and recycling of collected materials.

Periodically review and update the policy to align with emerging best practices and environmental regulations.

Jesselton University College is committed to promoting sustainable waste disposal practices and actively reducing the amount of waste sent to landfills. Through the implementation of our Waste Disposal – Landfill Policy, we seek to create a greener campus environment and inspire positive change in waste management behaviors. By working together, we can make a significant impact in protecting the environment for future generations.

Minimisation of Plastic Use Policy

As of 2021, Jesselton University College has taken a decisive step towards environmental stewardship by implementing the “Policy for Minimization of Plastic Use” for both students and staff. Our commitment to sustainability drives us to reduce plastic waste and promote responsible plastic use throughout the campus community.

Policy Statement:
Our “Policy for Minimization of Plastic Use” aims to create a plastic-conscious culture among students and staff at Jesselton University College. Through targeted measures and awareness initiatives, we seek to significantly decrease plastic consumption and adopt eco-friendly alternatives.

Key Objectives:
Elimination of Single-Use Plastics: The policy calls for the discontinuation of single-use plastic items, such as plastic straws, disposable cutlery, and plastic bags, in all campus facilities. Reusable and sustainable alternatives will be encouraged.

Plastic-Free Events and Activities: We will organize events and activities with a strict “no single-use plastic” guideline. Event organizers and participants are encouraged to opt for plastic-free alternatives for catering, packaging, and other materials.

Plastic Education and Awareness: We will conduct educational campaigns and workshops to raise awareness about the detrimental effects of plastic on the environment. These initiatives will empower students and staff to make informed choices in reducing plastic usage.

Sustainable Purchasing and Procurement: Jesselton University College will prioritize sourcing products and supplies with minimal plastic packaging. We will work closely with vendors and suppliers to identify eco-friendly options.

Waste Separation and Recycling: Proper waste disposal practices will be promoted to ensure effective recycling of plastic waste. Recycling bins will be strategically placed across campus for convenient and responsible disposal.

To ensure the successful implementation of the “Policy for Minimization of Plastic Use,” the following steps will be taken:

Policy Communication: The policy will be communicated to all students and staff through official channels, including newsletters, intranet, and orientation programs.

Awareness Campaigns: Regular awareness campaigns, workshops, and seminars will be conducted to educate the campus community about the importance of reducing plastic usage.

Collaborative Efforts: Students, staff, and faculty will be encouraged to actively participate in reducing plastic waste by suggesting innovative solutions and participating in plastic reduction initiatives.

Monitoring and Evaluation: The policy’s progress and effectiveness will be periodically reviewed to identify areas of improvement and ensure compliance.

Jesselton University College is steadfast in its commitment to sustainability, and the “Policy for Minimization of Plastic Use” serves as a guiding framework to promote responsible plastic consumption among our students and staff. By working together, we can contribute to a cleaner and greener campus environment and make a positive impact on the planet.

Policy for Minimization of Disposable Items

At Jesselton University College, we are committed to reducing our environmental impact and promoting sustainable practices. This policy aims to minimize the use of disposable items on campus to contribute to waste reduction and environmental conservation.

This policy applies to all departments, staff, students, vendors, and visitors on the university campus.

Policy Guidelines

  1. Elimination of Single-Use Plastics: The use of single-use plastic items such as straws, cutlery, cups, and plastic bags is strictly prohibited on campus. Reusable alternatives should be encouraged.
  2. Responsible Event Planning: Event organizers are required to prioritize the use of reusable or compostable materials for catering and food service. Disposable items should be avoided whenever possible.
  3. Promotion of Reusable Containers: The university encourages staff and students to use reusable containers for beverages and food brought from home or purchased on campus. Water refill stations are provided to reduce the need for single-use water bottles.
  4. Sustainable Food Packaging: Food outlets on campus are encouraged to use eco-friendly and compostable packaging for takeaway meals.
  5. Awareness and Education: Regular awareness campaigns and educational programs will be conducted to inform the university community about the environmental impacts of disposable items and the importance of waste reduction.
  6. Collaboration with Vendors: The university will collaborate with vendors and suppliers to source eco-friendly alternatives and reduce the use of disposable items in products and packaging.

The university will appoint a Sustainability Committee responsible for overseeing the implementation of this policy. The committee will collaborate with various departments, students, and vendors to ensure compliance with the guidelines.

Monitoring and Evaluation
Progress towards minimizing disposable items will be regularly monitored and evaluated. Data on waste reduction, usage of disposable items, and sustainable practices will be collected to assess the policy’s effectiveness.

This policy will be reviewed annually to assess its impact and make necessary improvements to further minimize the use of disposable items on campus.

By implementing this policy, Jesselton University College aims to foster a culture of sustainability, reduce its environmental footprint, and inspire positive change within the university community and beyond.

Disposable Policy:
Extensions to Services

The Jesselton University College (JUC) Extended Disposable Policy aims to reinforce our commitment to sustainability by ensuring that our policies for responsible use and management of disposable items are extended to outsourced services and the supply chain. This policy sets guidelines for all stakeholders involved in providing services or supplying products to JUC to align with our sustainability objectives.

This policy applies to all departments, employees, contractors, vendors, suppliers, and partners associated with Jesselton University College. It encompasses all disposable items used in the delivery of outsourced services and products within JUC’s supply chain.

Disposable items: Single-use items designed for one-time use and not intended for recycling or extended use.

Policy Statement

a) Inclusion of Outsourced Services: When outsourcing services to external providers, Jesselton University College shall require compliance with our Disposable Policy. Contractors and service providers engaged by JUC must adopt practices that align with our sustainable use of disposable items guidelines.

b) Supply Chain Compliance: Jesselton University College will collaborate with suppliers and vendors to ensure that disposable items used in the production, packaging, and distribution of products align with our sustainability goals. Suppliers are encouraged to adopt environmentally responsible practices to minimize the environmental impact of their products.

c) Procurement Guidelines: The procurement process of Jesselton University College shall prioritize the selection of products and supplies with minimal or environmentally friendly packaging. We will prefer biodegradable, compostable, and plant-based disposable items over conventional options.

d) Awareness and Training: Regular awareness programs and training sessions will be conducted at JUC to educate employees, contractors, vendors, and suppliers on the importance of reducing disposable item usage and the benefits of sustainable alternatives.

e) Monitoring and Compliance: The Sustainability Committee of Jesselton University College shall oversee the implementation and compliance of this policy. Periodic assessments will be conducted to monitor adherence to the guidelines and identify areas for improvement.

Implementation and Review

a) This policy shall be communicated to all relevant stakeholders at Jesselton University College through official channels, including our website, internal communication platforms, and vendor/supplier agreements.

b) Compliance with this policy shall be incorporated into vendor contracts and supplier agreements to ensure alignment with JUC’s sustainability objectives.

c) The JUC Extended Disposable Policy will be reviewed annually to assess its effectiveness, relevance, and alignment with our university’s sustainability commitments.

At Jesselton University College, we firmly believe that extending our Disposable Policy to outsourced services and the supply chain is a vital step in our journey towards a more sustainable future. By collectively adopting responsible practices, we can make a significant impact on reducing our environmental footprint and contributing to a greener world.

Minimisation Policies Extended to Suppliers

The Minimisation Policies Extended to Suppliers at Jesselton University College (JUC) aims to promote sustainability and responsible consumption by aligning our efforts with our suppliers. This policy outlines guidelines for suppliers to adopt eco-friendly practices and minimize their environmental impact in line with JUC’s commitment to sustainability.

This policy applies to all suppliers, vendors, and partners engaged in providing goods and services to Jesselton University College. It covers the procurement of products and materials used in JUC’s operations.

Policy Statement

a) Environmental Considerations: JUC expects suppliers to prioritize eco-friendly products and materials that have minimal negative impacts on the environment. Suppliers should prioritize products with sustainable sourcing, minimal packaging, and low carbon footprint.

b) Resource Efficiency: Suppliers are encouraged to adopt resource-efficient practices to minimize waste generation and promote responsible use of resources. This includes practices such as energy-efficient production, water conservation, and waste reduction.

c) Waste Management: Suppliers are expected to implement effective waste management practices, including recycling and proper disposal of waste materials generated during production and transportation.

d) Chemical Management: Suppliers should avoid the use of hazardous chemicals in their products and processes whenever possible. If the use of chemicals is necessary, they must comply with relevant regulations and adhere to safe handling practices.

e) Collaboration and Transparency: JUC encourages open communication and collaboration with suppliers to foster a shared commitment to sustainability. Suppliers are expected to be transparent about their environmental practices and provide relevant data when requested by JUC.

f) Compliance with Regulations: Suppliers must adhere to all relevant environmental regulations and standards applicable to their products and operations. They should stay informed about evolving regulations and make necessary adjustments to comply with updated requirements.

Supplier Assessment and Selection

a) Jesselton University College will consider a supplier’s environmental practices and commitment to sustainability when evaluating potential partners. Suppliers with a strong record of environmental responsibility will be given preference in the procurement process.

b) Existing suppliers will be encouraged to adopt sustainable practices and align with JUC’s Minimisation Policies. Regular evaluations will be conducted to monitor supplier compliance and identify areas for improvement.

Supplier Engagement and Support

a) JUC will engage in constructive discussions with suppliers to raise awareness of our sustainability goals and the importance of minimizing environmental impact. Educational resources and workshops may be provided to support suppliers in adopting sustainable practices.

Review and Continuous Improvement

a) The Minimisation Policies Extended to Suppliers will be reviewed periodically to assess its effectiveness and relevance. Feedback from suppliers and stakeholders will be considered to make necessary improvements.

b) Jesselton University College is committed to continuously enhancing its sustainability efforts and will work collaboratively with suppliers to achieve common sustainability goals.

By extending our minimisation policies to suppliers, Jesselton University College strives to create a network of partners committed to environmental responsibility, fostering a culture of sustainability that benefits both our institution and the broader community. Together, we can contribute to a more sustainable future for generations to come.

Waste Tracking


Sustainability Report