jesselton university college

SDG 14: Life Below Water

Fresh-Water Ecosystem


Sustainable Fisheries




Conservation and Sustainable Utilisation of the Oceans


Food From Aquatic Ecosystems Policy

Jesselton University College (JUC) in Malaysia is committed to promoting sustainable practices and environmental conservation. This policy aims to ensure that all food sourced from aquatic ecosystems on campus is harvested in a manner that preserves the health of aquatic environments and supports the long-term viability of marine and freshwater resources within Malaysia.

Policy Guidelines:

Sustainable Sourcing:
JUC will prioritize sourcing food products from aquatic ecosystems within Malaysia that are certified as sustainable by reputable organizations or adhere to recognized sustainable harvesting practices. Preference will be given to products with labels such as Good Aquaculture Practice Certificate (GAPC) or HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point)

Local and Responsible Suppliers:
JUC will strive to establish partnerships with local suppliers within Malaysia who engage in sustainable and responsible harvesting methods. Suppliers will be required to provide documentation and evidence of their sustainable practices to ensure compliance with the policy.

Seasonal and Regional Selection:
The menu offerings at JUC will be designed to align with seasonal availability and regional fishery patterns within Malaysia. Emphasis will be placed on promoting locally sourced and seasonal seafood options to reduce the environmental footprint associated with transportation.

No Endangered or Threatened Species:
JUC will strictly prohibit the use of food products sourced from aquatic ecosystems within Malaysia that involve endangered or threatened species. The policy will support conservation efforts and protect vulnerable marine and freshwater species within the country.

Waste Reduction:
Efforts will be made to minimize food waste associated with aquatic ecosystem products. JUC will encourage portion control, responsible consumption, and proper storage practices to reduce unnecessary waste and promote efficient resource use.

Education and Awareness:
JUC will conduct educational campaigns and awareness programs to inform students, faculty, and staff about the importance of sustainable seafood choices and the impact of their food choices on aquatic ecosystems within Malaysia. This will include information on sustainable fishing practices, responsible aquaculture, and the significance of maintaining healthy aquatic environments.

Continuous Improvement:
JUC is committed to regularly reviewing and updating this policy to align with the latest advancements in sustainable fishing and aquaculture practices in Malaysia. Feedback from stakeholders and industry experts within the country will be considered in the continuous improvement process.

JUC will appoint a Sustainability Committee responsible for overseeing the implementation and monitoring of this policy. The committee will collaborate with campus dining services, suppliers, and relevant stakeholders in Malaysia to ensure compliance with the sustainable harvesting practices outlined in this policy.

By adhering to this policy, JUC aims to contribute to the preservation of aquatic ecosystems within Malaysia, support sustainable fishing communities in the country, and foster a culture of responsible consumption and environmental conservation on campus

Maintain Ecosystems and their Biodiversity


Technologies Towards Aquatic Ecosystem Damage Prevention


Water Discharge Guidelines and Standards

Sub-headline: Objective:
Jesselton University College (JUC) is committed to environmental stewardship and protecting the quality of water resources on and around our campus. This comprehensive policy establishes water quality standards and detailed guidelines for water discharges to ensure the preservation and enhancement of ecosystems, wildlife, and human health and welfare.

Policy Guidelines:

Compliance with Regulatory Standards:
JUC will fully comply with all relevant local, state, and national water quality regulations and standards pertaining to water discharges. The policy will strictly adhere to the guidelines set forth by the Department of Environment Malaysia (DOE), Water Quality Standards and Classification under the Environmental Quality Act 1974 (Act 127), and other applicable authorities.

Effluent Quality Monitoring:
JUC will implement a robust and systematic effluent quality monitoring program to regularly assess the quality of water discharges from campus facilities. Monitoring activities will cover a wide range of key parameters, including pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), total suspended solids (TSS), nutrients (nitrate and phosphate), heavy metals, and potential pollutants (e.g., oils, greases, and detergents).

Preventive Measures:
To prevent and minimize the discharge of pollutants and contaminants into water bodies, JUC will adopt an array of preventive measures across all campus facilities. Best management practices (BMPs) will be meticulously implemented, encompassing proper waste management, spill prevention and response, chemical storage protocols, and regular equipment maintenance.

Sustainable Water Management:
JUC will actively promote sustainable water management practices to optimize water use efficiency and reduce the volume of wastewater generated. Water conservation measures will be actively encouraged, and water recycling and reuse opportunities will be explored and implemented wherever feasible, particularly in landscaping and irrigation.

Ecosystem Protection:
The policy will prioritize the protection and preservation of aquatic ecosystems and wildlife by maintaining water quality standards that support a healthy and balanced environment. Special attention will be given to protecting water bodies with sensitive habitats and species, and JUC will collaborate with relevant environmental agencies for any specific conservation efforts.

Human Health and Welfare:
Water discharges from campus facilities will meet stringent safety standards to ensure that they do not pose any risks to human health and welfare. Rigorous testing will be conducted to identify potential risks associated with waterborne pathogens, heavy metals, or other contaminants, and appropriate actions will be taken to address and mitigate these risks.

Continuous Improvement:
JUC is dedicated to a continuous improvement approach in water discharge practices. The policy will be subject to periodic reviews and updates to align with advancements in water quality management, environmental protection, and regulatory requirements in Malaysia. Feedback from stakeholders and relevant agencies will be actively sought and incorporated into improvement initiatives.

To ensure the effective implementation of this policy, JUC will establish a dedicated Water Management Committee. The committee will be responsible for overseeing the adherence to this policy and will collaborate closely with relevant stakeholders, facilities management, and environmental experts. The committee will conduct regular audits, assessments, and corrective actions to ensure compliance and monitor progress toward meeting the policy objectives.

By upholding this policy, JUC aims to set a benchmark in environmental responsibility and sustainable practices, protecting local water resources, and contributing positively to the overall well-being of the campus community and the surrounding ecosystems.

Action Plan to Reducing Plastic Waste

Jesselton University College (JUC) is committed to environmental sustainability and recognizes the urgent need to address the growing problem of plastic waste. This action plan outlines a comprehensive approach to reducing plastic waste on campus, fostering a culture of responsible consumption, and promoting sustainable alternatives to single-use plastics.

Plastic Audit and Baseline Assessment:

  • Conduct a thorough plastic waste audit across all campus facilities to assess the types and quantities of plastic used and discarded.
  • Establish a baseline measurement of current plastic waste generation to monitor progress and set realistic reduction targets.

Plastic Reduction Targets:

  • Set ambitious and achievable targets for reducing plastic waste across different categories, such as single-use plastic bottles, food containers, bags, and packaging.
  • Commit to gradually phasing out the use of non-essential single-use plastics and transitioning to more sustainable alternatives.

Plastic-Free Campus Campaign:

  • Launch a campus-wide awareness campaign to educate students, faculty, and staff about the negative impacts of plastic waste on the environment and human health.
  • Promote the benefits of reducing plastic consumption and encourage behavioral changes towards plastic-free practices.

Sustainable Procurement Policy:

  • Develop and implement a sustainable procurement policy that prioritizes the purchase of products and materials with minimal or recyclable plastic packaging.
  • Encourage suppliers and vendors to adopt environmentally-friendly packaging practices and support businesses that offer plastic-free alternatives.

Plastic Recycling Infrastructure:

  • Enhance on-campus recycling facilities to ensure proper segregation and collection of plastic waste for recycling purposes.
  • Collaborate with local recycling partners to ensure that the collected plastic waste is recycled responsibly.

Plastic-Free Events and Activities:

  • Implement guidelines to minimize plastic waste at campus events and activities, including using reusable cups, plates, and cutlery instead of disposable items.
  • Encourage event organizers to prioritize environmentally-friendly practices and minimize the use of single-use plastics.

Plastic-Free Campus Initiatives:

  • Promote the use of refillable water stations on campus to reduce reliance on bottled water.
  • Provide incentives or discounts to students and staff who bring their reusable water bottles and containers.

Plastic Awareness Curriculum:

  • Integrate plastic pollution and waste reduction topics into the curriculum of relevant courses, fostering a deeper understanding of the issue among students across different disciplines.

Plastic Waste Research and Innovation:

  • Encourage research and innovation in sustainable materials and alternatives to single-use plastics, supporting the development of eco-friendly solutions.

Collaboration and Reporting:

  • Collaborate with student organizations, environmental groups, and local community partners to maximize the impact of plastic reduction initiatives.
  • Regularly monitor and report progress on plastic waste reduction efforts to promote transparency and accountability.

By implementing this action plan, JUC aims to significantly reduce its plastic footprint, inspire positive behavior change, and contribute to a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable environment for present and future generations. This commitment to reducing plastic waste aligns with JUC’s core values of responsible citizenship and environmental stewardship.

Reducing Marine Pollution Policy

Jesselton University College (JUC) is dedicated to environmental preservation, with a particular focus on marine ecosystems. This policy aims to prevent and reduce marine pollution caused by various land-based activities, promoting sustainable practices and fostering a sense of responsibility towards protecting our oceans and marine life.

Awareness and Education:

  • Launch educational campaigns to raise awareness among students, faculty, and staff about the detrimental impacts of marine pollution and the importance of preserving marine environments.
  • Integrate marine pollution topics into relevant courses and workshops to equip students with knowledge and skills to address the issue.

Waste Management and Recycling:

  • Implement effective waste management systems on campus to prevent litter and ensure proper disposal of waste, preventing it from entering waterways that lead to the ocean.
  • Encourage the adoption of recycling practices and provide easily accessible recycling bins throughout the campus.

Plastic Reduction Initiatives:

  • Develop initiatives to reduce single-use plastics on campus, such as banning plastic straws, promoting reusable water bottles, and encouraging the use of eco-friendly alternatives to plastic bags and containers.
  • Organize campaigns and workshops to educate the campus community about the importance of reducing plastic usage.

Stormwater Management:

  • Implement sustainable stormwater management practices on campus to minimize the release of pollutants into water bodies that eventually flow into the ocean.
  • Utilize green infrastructure solutions like rain gardens and permeable pavements to filter stormwater and reduce runoff pollution.

Landscaping and Green Spaces:

  • Adopt environmentally-friendly landscaping practices that minimize the use of fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides that can leach into water bodies and harm marine ecosystems.
  • Promote the planting of native vegetation to support biodiversity and reduce the need for excessive watering and chemical treatments.

Collaborations and Partnerships:

  • Collaborate with local communities, government agencies, and environmental organizations to address marine pollution at the regional level and participate in collective efforts to protect marine ecosystems.
  • Seek partnerships with businesses and suppliers committed to sustainable practices to reduce pollution at the source.

Research and Innovation:

  • Support research initiatives focused on understanding the sources and impacts of marine pollution, fostering innovative solutions to combat the issue effectively.
  • Encourage students and faculty to engage in research projects related to marine pollution prevention and reduction.

Monitoring and Reporting:

  • Establish a monitoring system to track progress in reducing marine pollution on campus and in nearby water bodies.
  • Regularly report the college’s efforts and achievements in marine pollution reduction to promote transparency and accountability.

By adhering to this policy, JUC demonstrates its commitment to safeguarding marine environments and playing a vital role in mitigating the impacts of marine pollution. Through collective action and a shared sense of responsibility, JUC aims to inspire positive change and contribute to the global efforts in preserving our precious oceans for future generations.

Minimizing Alteration of Aquatic Ecosystems

Aquatic ecosystems encompass a diverse range of environments, including oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, wetlands, and estuaries. These habitats are teeming with life, supporting a rich variety of plant and animal species that have evolved and adapted to thrive in their unique aquatic environments. Aquatic ecosystems are not only essential for biodiversity conservation but also play a crucial role in regulating global climate patterns and supporting human well-being.

The significance of aquatic ecosystems cannot be overstated. Oceans, for instance, cover approximately 71% of the Earth’s surface and are the primary drivers of climate and weather systems through their heat absorption and redistribution. They serve as vital carbon sinks, absorbing and sequestering large amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Additionally, aquatic habitats provide essential ecosystem services, such as water purification, flood control, and fisheries that support food security and livelihoods for millions of people worldwide.

Jesselton University College (JUC) recognizes the intrinsic value of aquatic ecosystems and acknowledges the pressing need to protect and preserve these fragile habitats. As an institution committed to sustainability and responsible environmental stewardship, JUC places a strong emphasis on implementing policies and plans to minimize human-induced alterations and disturbances to aquatic ecosystems. By adopting this comprehensive plan, JUC aims to contribute to the global efforts in safeguarding these invaluable ecosystems for current and future generations.

This “Minimizing Alteration of Aquatic Ecosystems Plan” sets forth a series of proactive measures and strategies aimed at mitigating the impacts of campus activities on adjacent water bodies. From sustainable infrastructure development to responsible chemical management, the plan encompasses a wide range of actions designed to promote ecological integrity and enhance resilience within aquatic environments. By aligning our practices with the principles of sustainability, JUC endeavors to protect the health and vitality of aquatic ecosystems, fostering a harmonious relationship between human activities and nature.

The successful implementation of this plan requires collective commitment and dedication from all members of the JUC community, including students, faculty, staff, and administrators. By working hand in hand with local communities, governmental agencies, and environmental organizations, JUC endeavors to foster a culture of environmental consciousness and responsibility. Together, we can make a positive impact on aquatic ecosystems, ensuring their continued well-being and contributing to the global vision of a sustainable and thriving planet for generations to come.

Environmental Impact Assessment:

  • Conduct comprehensive environmental impact assessments (EIA) before implementing any construction or development projects near or within aquatic ecosystems.
  • Engage environmental experts to assess potential impacts and propose mitigation measures to minimize alterations to aquatic habitats.

Sustainable Infrastructure Development:

  • Incorporate sustainable design and construction practices that minimize disturbances to aquatic ecosystems in all campus development projects.
  • Adopt eco-friendly building materials and techniques to reduce the ecological footprint of new constructions.

Stormwater Management:

  • Implement effective stormwater management practices to prevent sediment and pollutants from entering water bodies during rainfall events.
  • Utilize natural retention ponds and biofiltration systems to filter and treat stormwater before it flows into aquatic ecosystems.

Preservation of Riparian Zones:

  • Preserve and protect riparian zones (areas alongside water bodies) by establishing buffer zones and limiting human activities near these sensitive areas.
  • Encourage the planting of native vegetation in riparian zones to stabilize the soil, prevent erosion, and promote biodiversity.

Chemical Management:

  • Monitor and control the use of chemicals, fertilizers, and pesticides on campus to prevent runoff into aquatic ecosystems.
  • Prioritize the use of eco-friendly alternatives and organic methods for landscaping and agricultural practices.

Wastewater Treatment:

  • Implement advanced wastewater treatment systems to ensure that treated effluents released into water bodies meet stringent environmental standards.
  • Promote water conservation practices on campus to reduce the volume of wastewater generated.

Research and Monitoring:

  • Support research initiatives that focus on understanding the impacts of human activities on aquatic ecosystems.
  • Establish monitoring programs to track the health and biodiversity of aquatic habitats and identify early warning signs of ecosystem alterations.

Community Engagement:

  • Educate and engage students, faculty, and staff about the importance of preserving aquatic ecosystems and their role in minimizing alterations.
  • Collaborate with local communities, government agencies, and NGOs to raise awareness and foster collective responsibility for aquatic ecosystem conservation.

Continuous Improvement:

  • Regularly review and update the plan based on new scientific findings and best practices for aquatic ecosystem conservation.
  • Seek feedback from relevant stakeholders to improve the effectiveness of the plan and identify areas for further enhancement.

By implementing this plan, JUC reaffirms its commitment to safeguarding aquatic ecosystems and contributes to the broader efforts in promoting sustainable water management practices. Through proactive measures and ongoing dedication, JUC strives to be a responsible steward of aquatic habitats, ensuring their preservation and thriving for the benefit of present and future generations.

Monitoring the Health of Aquatic Ecosystems


Programs Towards Good Aquatic Stewardship Practices


Collaboration for Shared Aquatic Ecosystems


Watershed Management Strategy