jesselton university college


At Jesselton University College, we are committed to fostering a vibrant academic environment where inquiry and scholarship produce innovative knowledge. Our faculty, researchers, and students are engaged in cutting-edge research that addresses both local and global challenges. This page highlights our diverse research interests and showcases significant publications that contribute to advancing our understanding and improving our world.

  • Research Areas
  • Featured Publications
  • International Conferences
  • Jesselton Journal for Educators and Scholars
  • University Research Grants
  • Research Collaborations
Our Commitment to Research Excellence

Jesselton University College is dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in research. We encourage collaborative projects and support our researchers in making significant contributions to their fields. Our commitment extends beyond the publication of findings; we strive to translate our research into practices that benefit society and foster sustainable development.

For more information on our research projects or to collaborate with us, please contact our Research Office at [email protected].

  • University Research Centre
  • President Office
  • Jesselton University College

Research Areas

Our research initiatives are grouped into several key areas, reflecting the interdisciplinary nature of our academic community:

  1. Leadership Styles and Organizational Commitment
    Investigating the influence of various leadership styles, particularly transformational and transactional leadership, on organizational commitment and perceived gender equality among employees. The study focuses on understanding these impacts across different sectors and industries in Malaysia, examining how leadership styles shape team cohesion, collegiality, and overall workforce well-being.
  2. Technological Advancements in Marketing
    Exploring how technological advancements, including AI, data analytics, and other digital tools, transform marketing management practices. We investigate how these enhancements optimize customer engagement strategies, enhance decision-making, and reshape migration policies and strategies within Malaysia’s public relations sector.
  3. Entrepreneurship Management in Agriculture SMEs
    Investigate how entrepreneurship management practices and orientation influence business performance, strategic decision-making, and growth among indigenous agripreneurs and SMEs within our agricultural sector. Emphasize the role of innovative management strategies in navigating market challenges and optimizing competitiveness.
  4. Higher Education Management and Export Policies
    Analyzing the education management implications of Malaysia’s transition from a higher education hub to an exporter of education. This research focuses on effective strategies for international student recruitment, institutional governance practices, and cross-border collaborations while understanding their broader impact on global education export.

Featured Publications

Here are some of the recent publications by our faculty and researchers:

  1. Leadership Styles and Organizational Commitment
    Influence Of Digital Leadership on Perceived Gender Equality, Collegiality, Wellbeing, And Organizational Commitment Among Academic Staff at Malaysian Tertiary Institutions
    YF Chin, S Sharif, FL Yong (2024), ALGAE, 40-48

    Transactional Leadership Behavior: A case study at Tertiary Institutions in Malaysia
    YF Chin, FL Yong, KY Chau (2024), ALGAE, 134-143

    An Empirical Study on Teachers’ Perceptions of Empowering Leadership Behaviours Among Principals in Malaysia
    FL Yong, YF Chin, M Kong, MH Lee (2023), Innovations   74, 1562-1579

    Staff’s Perceptions of Transformational Leadership Behaviours Among Departmental Heads at Malaysian Tertiary Institutions.
    Y F Chin, M Kong, MH Lee (2023), Innovations, No. 72. 98-109

  2. Technological Advancements in Marketing
    A Review of Technological Enhancements in The Field of Marketing and Migration Policies
    TFD Sze, YF Chin (2024), Migration Letters 21 (S5), 686-694

    AI for Marketing Management: How to Reach and Engage Customers with AI
    R. Krishnakumar, B. Shanmugam (2023), 10th IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (UPCON-2023) at Amity University, Greater Noida, India

    Empirical Review of Migration Polices in Malaysian Public Relations Sector
    E Chan, PSC Ang (2024), Migration Letters 21 (S5), 592-599

    A Critical Analysis of the Ethics of Marketing Used By Publius According To Various Ethical Theories
    NC Hock, M Salleh, YF Chin (2016), IOSR Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 18, Issue 2 (Ver. IV), PP 44-48.

  3. Entrepreneurship Management in Agriculture SMEs
    Understanding the Concept of Entrepreneurial Orientation on SMEs in Agriculture Sector
    M Mojikon, YF Chin, DR Jiroh (2021), International Conference on Business and Technology, 885-899 2021

    Linking Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Business Performance of Indigenous Agripreneurs in Sabah
    M Mojikon, YF Chin, DR Jiroh (2019)
    Politeknik & Kolej Komuniti Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 4 (1), 54-56

    A study on college students’ inclination toward entrepreneurship in Sabah
    YF Chin, FL Yong (2017)
    International Journal of Business and Social Science 8 (9), 104-108

    Role Of Human Resources Management Practices (HRMP) On Organizational Performance: An Exploratory Study From Malaysian SMEs
    C Vui Wong, Y F Chin (2023)
    Universidad de Granada

  4. Higher Education Management and Export Policies
    Malaysia: From hub to exporter of higher education and implications
    YF Chin (2019), International Journal of Business and Social Science 10 (2), 48-54

    Quantitative Evaluation of Corporate Governance Practices at a Private University College in Malaysia: A Statistical Approach
    YF Chin, FL Yong, M Kong (2023). Utilitas Mathematica 120, 1101-1115

    The Investments and Identities of In-Service Non-native English Teachers That Relate to Their Teaching Careers
    M Kong, FL Yong, MH Lee (2022), Malaysian Journal of ELT Research 19 (2)

International Conferences

Jesselton University College proudly collaborates with the World Research Union to organize annual international conferences that bring together scholars, practitioners, and researchers from around the globe. These conferences serve as a platform for presenting groundbreaking research, networking with international experts, and discussing contemporary issues in various academic fields.

In August 2023, we successfully conducted Thailand Conference on Diversified Sciences – 2023 (TCODS-2023) at Bangkok University.

Jesselton Journal for Educators and Scholars

The Jesselton Journal for Educators and Scholars is our esteemed academic journal, registered with Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia (e-ISSN 3009-0881), and publishes peer-reviewed research across a broad spectrum of educational and scholarly disciplines. The journal is dedicated to fostering scholarly discourse and presenting diverse perspectives that enrich education and scholarship. Each issue features rigorously reviewed articles that contribute valuable insights. Special issues focus on pressing topics in education and scholarship, inviting leading experts to contribute.

Our Journal

University Research Grants

Jesselton University College is committed to nurturing a culture of research excellence by providing university research grants to support innovative projects and groundbreaking studies. Our grants program is designed to empower researchers, including faculty, postgraduate students, and early-career academics, to undertake impactful research that aligns with our strategic priorities and contributes to society.


Objectives of Our Research Grant

  1. Foster interdisciplinary collaboration among researchers and scholars.
  2. Support early-stage research projects that have the potential to evolve into larger-scale studies.
  3. Encourage the exploration of new methodologies and approaches to solve complex challenges.
  4. Promote research that addresses local and global issues, contributing to sustainable development.

Application Process

  • Researchers affiliated with Jesselton University College can submit proposals that clearly outline their project’s objectives, methodology, expected outcomes, and potential impact.
  • Proposals will be evaluated by a committee based on relevance, innovation, feasibility, and alignment with the university’s strategic goals.
  • Selected projects will receive financial support, mentorship, and access to resources to help them succeed.


Recent Grant Recipients

  • Prof Dr. Yong Fung Lan: Research on ” Influence Of Digital Leadership on Perceived Gender Equality, Collegiality, Wellbeing, And Organizational Commitment Among Academic Staff at Malaysian Tertiary Institutions.
  • Prof. Dr David Sze: Study on “A Review of Technological Enhancements in The Field of Marketing and Migration Policies.
  • Prof. Dr Ramachandran Krishnakumar: Project titled “Innovative Approaches to Sustainable Agriculture Practices among Smallholder Farmers.

By providing these grants, Jesselton University College aims to build a strong research community and create an environment where creativity and inquiry flourish.

For more information about our research grants or to apply, please contact our University Research Centre at [email protected]

Research Collaborations

Jesselton University College is dedicated to advancing research that addresses the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We actively seek partnerships with academic institutions, industry leaders, government agencies, and non-profit organizations worldwide to drive impactful research that contributes to sustainable development and societal well-being.

Objectives of Our Research Collaborations

  1. Enhance Knowledge Exchange
    Facilitate the exchange of ideas, methodologies, and best practices to address SDG-related challenges.
  2. Promote Innovation
    Encourage innovative research that leverages the strengths and expertise of multiple partners to create sustainable solutions.
  3. Address Global Challenges
    Focus on research that tackles pressing global issues such as poverty eradication, public health, education, gender equality, and partnerships for the goals.
  4. Support Academic Growth
    Provide opportunities for faculty and students to engage in international SDG-focused research projects, enhancing their academic and professional development.

Current Collaborative Projects

No Poverty (SDG 1)

We have partnered with XYZ University to tackle poverty in Sabah where one out of every four families lives below the poverty line with an average income of RM1000 per month. Our initiatives in rural villages, where main occupations include small-scale farming and fishing, aim to overcome challenges such as low yields, high costs, and limited market access. By providing training in sustainable agriculture and improving market connections, we have increased household incomes by 30%. Additionally, we have introduced scholarships and educational programs, enabling 100 families to access tertiary education in 2023, breaking the cycle of poverty and opening new opportunities.

Good Health and Well-being (SDG 3)

Our collaboration with ABC Medical Institute aims to enhance public health outcomes through advanced health informatics and innovative healthcare solutions. Starting with a comprehensive needs assessment in underserved areas, we’ve implemented pilot projects to test health informatics systems. Expanding telemedicine services and developing health education apps, we address challenges like healthcare access in remote areas, improve health literacy, and manage chronic diseases more effectively. Community-based health initiatives, including educational campaigns and health screenings, complement these technological solutions.

Quality Education (SDG 4)

In partnership with DEF Education Foundation, we address educational challenges in underserved communities through a phased approach including needs assessments, data collection, and pilot programs. Initiatives such as distributing high-quality teaching materials, conducting teacher training, and implementing after-school programs aim to enhance learning outcomes and school attendance. These efforts have significantly improved literacy and numeracy rates and increased student engagement, turning community learning centers into hubs of educational activity.

Gender Equality (SDG 5)

Working with the GHI Women’s Empowerment Network, we focus on promoting gender equality in leadership and economic participation. Our research has informed the development of a mentorship program for aspiring female leaders and data-driven advocacy for policy change. Ongoing efforts include capacity-building workshops and awareness campaigns to combat gender stereotypes and empower women and girls to participate in decision-making processes actively.

Partnerships for the Goals (SDG 17)

Our efforts to foster partnerships are extensive, working with NGOs, civil society, and government bodies to amplify impact and align with global goals. A notable collaboration in 2023 was with The Sabah Society, focusing on environmental conservation and SDG awareness, including joint workshops and community programs aimed at promoting sustainable development. These partnerships are crucial in our approach to address broad SDG targets and facilitate shared knowledge and resources.


Partner with Us

Jesselton University College welcomes new partnerships that align with our commitment to the SDGs. We offer a supportive environment and are committed to achieving mutually beneficial outcomes through our collaborations.

For more information about research collaborations or to discuss potential partnerships, please contact our University Research Centre.