jesselton university college

SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Elected Representation on Senate and Council From Staff and Students

Jesselton University College (JUC) takes great pride in fostering a vibrant and inclusive campus environment. To ensure that students have a prominent voice in shaping their academic journey and university life, JUC has established a Student Council. This council comprises elected representatives who are chosen by the student body through annual voting. The Student Council plays a vital role in promoting student welfare, enhancing campus experiences, and bridging the communication gap between students and the university administration.

Election Process:

  1. Annual Elections: Each academic year, JUC holds democratic elections to choose student representatives for the Student Council.
  2. Student Voting: All JUC students are encouraged to participate in the voting process, ensuring a fair and transparent selection of representatives.
  3. Inclusivity: The election process welcomes participation from diverse student groups, fostering inclusivity and representation from various backgrounds.

Responsibilities of Elected Representatives:

  1. Advocacy: Elected representatives serve as advocates for their fellow students, voicing their concerns, needs, and ideas to the university administration.
  2. Campus Welfare: Student Council members work to enhance student welfare by addressing issues related to accommodation, facilities, and campus safety.
  3. Bridging Communication: The representatives act as liaisons between the student body and the university administration, facilitating open communication and dialogue.
  4. Event Planning: The Student Council organizes and supports various campus events, ensuring a vibrant and engaging university experience.
  5. Community Engagement: Representatives promote student engagement through clubs, societies, and extracurricular activities, fostering a sense of belonging.
  6. Collaborating with Faculty: Student Council members collaborate with faculty and staff to address academic concerns and improve the learning environment.
  7. Policy Recommendations: The representatives have the opportunity to propose policy recommendations that align with student interests and aspirations.

Term of Service:

  1. One-Year Term: Elected representatives serve for a one-year term, allowing for regular opportunities to elect new members and fresh perspectives.
  2. Renewal Options: Representatives may have the option to seek re-election for subsequent terms, subject to the willingness of both the candidate and the student body.

Other Matters:

  1. Leadership and Representation: Student Council representatives are entrusted with the responsibility of serving as the voice and advocates of their fellow students. They are expected to uphold the values and interests of the student body, both within the university and the wider community.
  2. Act as Mediators: Representatives play a crucial role in mediating and resolving any conflicts or issues that may arise between students, faculty, and the administration. They strive to foster a harmonious and respectful campus environment.
  3. Policy Advocacy: Student Council members actively engage in discussions and propose policy recommendations to improve various aspects of university life, including academic policies, campus facilities, and student support services.
  4. Student Welfare: Representatives work diligently to ensure the welfare of students by addressing concerns related to mental health, well-being, and accessibility of resources.
  5. Organize Student Engagement Activities: The Council organizes events, workshops, and seminars that promote student engagement, skill development, and cultural exchange, enriching the overall university experience.
  6. Community Outreach: Student Council members actively engage with the local community, organizing initiatives that benefit society and promoting social responsibility among students.
  7. Collaborate with University Committees: Representatives actively participate in university committees, contributing valuable student perspectives to decision-making processes.
  8. Transparent Communication: Council members maintain open and transparent communication with the student body, regularly updating them on initiatives, progress, and opportunities for involvement.
  9. Support for Clubs and Societies: The Student Council provides support and resources to various student-led clubs and societies, fostering a diverse and vibrant extracurricular environment.
  10. Mentorship and Support: Representatives serve as mentors and peer support for fellow students, helping them navigate university life and providing guidance on academic and personal matters.
  11. Budget Allocation: Council members are involved in the allocation of funds for student activities and projects, ensuring responsible financial management.
  12. Inclusivity and Diversity: Representatives work to create an inclusive and diverse campus culture, celebrating and embracing the uniqueness of all students.

The existence of a Student Council and the democratic election of representatives underscore Jesselton University College’s commitment to student empowerment and engagement. Through this policy, JUC endeavors to create a dynamic platform for students to actively participate in shaping their university experience, contributing to a supportive and enriching campus environment. The Student Council’s elected representatives play a crucial role in advocating for student interests, promoting campus welfare, and fostering collaboration between students and the university administration. With this policy in place, JUC aims to continuously enhance student well-being, academic excellence, and a vibrant campus community that nurtures future leaders and scholars.

Student’ Union

Jesselton University College (JUC) takes great pride in fostering a vibrant and inclusive campus environment. To ensure that students have a prominent voice in shaping their academic journey and university life, JUC has established a Student Council. This council comprises elected representatives who are chosen by the student body through annual voting. The Student Council plays a vital role in promoting student welfare, enhancing campus experiences, and bridging the communication gap between students and the university administration.

Election Process:

  1. Annual Elections: Each academic year, JUC holds democratic elections to choose student representatives for the Student Council.
  2. Student Voting: All JUC students are encouraged to participate in the voting process, ensuring a fair and transparent selection of representatives.
  3. Inclusivity: The election process welcomes participation from diverse student groups, fostering inclusivity and representation from various backgrounds.

Responsibilities of Elected Representatives:

  1. Advocacy: Elected representatives serve as advocates for their fellow students, voicing their concerns, needs, and ideas to the university administration.
  2. Campus Welfare: Student Council members work to enhance student welfare by addressing issues related to accommodation, facilities, and campus safety.
  3. Bridging Communication: The representatives act as liaisons between the student body and the university administration, facilitating open communication and dialogue.
  4. Event Planning: The Student Council organizes and supports various campus events, ensuring a vibrant and engaging university experience.
  5. Community Engagement: Representatives promote student engagement through clubs, societies, and extracurricular activities, fostering a sense of belonging.
  6. Collaborating with Faculty: Student Council members collaborate with faculty and staff to address academic concerns and improve the learning environment.
  7. Policy Recommendations: The representatives have the opportunity to propose policy recommendations that align with student interests and aspirations.

Term of Service:

  1. One-Year Term: Elected representatives serve for a one-year term, allowing for regular opportunities to elect new members and fresh perspectives.
  2. Renewal Options: Representatives may have the option to seek re-election for subsequent terms, subject to the willingness of both the candidate and the student body.

Other Matters:

  1. Leadership and Representation: Student Council representatives are entrusted with the responsibility of serving as the voice and advocates of their fellow students. They are expected to uphold the values and interests of the student body, both within the university and the wider community.
  2. Act as Mediators: Representatives play a crucial role in mediating and resolving any conflicts or issues that may arise between students, faculty, and the administration. They strive to foster a harmonious and respectful campus environment.
  3. Policy Advocacy: Student Council members actively engage in discussions and propose policy recommendations to improve various aspects of university life, including academic policies, campus facilities, and student support services.
  4. Student Welfare: Representatives work diligently to ensure the welfare of students by addressing concerns related to mental health, well-being, and accessibility of resources.
  5. Organize Student Engagement Activities: The Council organizes events, workshops, and seminars that promote student engagement, skill development, and cultural exchange, enriching the overall university experience.
  6. Community Outreach: Student Council members actively engage with the local community, organizing initiatives that benefit society and promoting social responsibility among students.
  7. Collaborate with University Committees: Representatives actively participate in university committees, contributing valuable student perspectives to decision-making processes.
  8. Transparent Communication: Council members maintain open and transparent communication with the student body, regularly updating them on initiatives, progress, and opportunities for involvement.
  9. Support for Clubs and Societies: The Student Council provides support and resources to various student-led clubs and societies, fostering a diverse and vibrant extracurricular environment.
  10. Mentorship and Support: Representatives serve as mentors and peer support for fellow students, helping them navigate university life and providing guidance on academic and personal matters.
  11. Budget Allocation: Council members are involved in the allocation of funds for student activities and projects, ensuring responsible financial management.
  12. Inclusivity and Diversity: Representatives work to create an inclusive and diverse campus culture, celebrating and embracing the uniqueness of all students.

The existence of a Student Council and the democratic election of representatives underscore Jesselton University College’s commitment to student empowerment and engagement. Through this policy, JUC endeavors to create a dynamic platform for students to actively participate in shaping their university experience, contributing to a supportive and enriching campus environment. The Student Council’s elected representatives play a crucial role in advocating for student interests, promoting campus welfare, and fostering collaboration between students and the university administration. With this policy in place, JUC aims to continuously enhance student well-being, academic excellence, and a vibrant campus community that nurtures future leaders and scholars.

Local Stakeholders Identification and Engagement


Participatory Bodies for Stakeholder Engagement

Jesselton University College (JUC) is dedicated to building strong and meaningful relationships with the local community and stakeholders. To ensure effective engagement, JUC has developed written policies and procedures to identify and collaborate with external stakeholders within the local area.

Key components of our stakeholder engagement policy:

Stakeholder Identification: JUC actively identifies and maps local stakeholders who have an interest in or are impacted by the university’s activities. This includes community members, local businesses, government agencies, non-profit organizations, educational institutions, and other relevant entities.

Engagement Objectives: The policy outlines clear objectives for stakeholder engagement, which may include fostering positive relationships, understanding community needs, addressing concerns, and seeking opportunities for collaboration and mutual benefit.

Communication Channels: JUC establishes various communication channels to engage with stakeholders effectively. This includes public forums, town hall meetings, focus groups, surveys, newsletters, and social media platforms.

Consultation and Collaboration: The policy emphasizes the importance of meaningful consultation with stakeholders in decision-making processes that affect the local community. JUC seeks to collaborate with stakeholders on projects and initiatives that align with community priorities.

Timely and Transparent Communication: JUC is committed to providing timely and transparent communication to stakeholders, ensuring they are informed about university activities, projects, and developments that may impact the local community.

Accountability and Feedback: JUC encourages stakeholders to provide feedback and express their concerns. The university will address these concerns promptly and take appropriate actions to enhance its engagement practices.

Community Benefits: JUC strives to create positive social impacts by contributing to the well-being and development of the local community. The policy emphasizes the importance of identifying opportunities for community involvement and support.

Continuous Improvement: JUC’s stakeholder engagement policy is subject to regular review and improvement. Feedback from stakeholders and internal assessments help refine the engagement process to better meet the needs of the local community.

By having written policies and procedures for identifying and engaging with local stakeholders, JUC ensures that its interactions with the community are conducted in a respectful, transparent, and collaborative manner. These engagement efforts foster a sense of partnership, trust, and mutual understanding between the university and the local community, contributing to the sustainable development and well-being of the region.

Participatory Bodies for Stakeholder Engagement

We recognize the significance of engaging local stakeholders in the decision-making processes that impact the university and the surrounding community. To ensure meaningful participation, we have established participatory bodies that provide opportunities for local stakeholders, including local residents, local government representatives, and civil society members (including refugee resettlement agencies), to actively participate in university decision-making.

Key components of our participatory bodies for stakeholder engagement:

Stakeholder Representation: The participatory bodies are designed to include a diverse representation of local stakeholders, ensuring that various perspectives and interests are taken into account. This may involve representatives from community organizations, local government officials, local residents, and other relevant stakeholders.

Regular Meetings: The participatory bodies hold regular meetings to discuss matters relevant to the university and the local community. These meetings serve as platforms for open dialogue, information sharing, and collaborative decision-making.

Information Sharing: JUC is committed to providing relevant and timely information to the participatory bodies. This includes sharing updates on university projects, initiatives, and any developments that may have an impact on the local community.

Consultation and Feedback: The participatory bodies play a vital role in providing feedback and suggestions on university plans, policies, and projects. JUC actively seeks the input of these bodies in decision-making processes.

Collaborative Initiatives: JUC explores opportunities for collaborative initiatives with the participatory bodies to address community needs and promote sustainable development. These initiatives may include community outreach programs, joint projects, and partnerships.

Transparent Processes: The participatory bodies operate in a transparent and inclusive manner. Minutes of meetings and relevant information are made available to all stakeholders to foster transparency and accountability.

Capacity Building: JUC provides support and capacity-building opportunities to empower the members of the participatory bodies. This ensures that stakeholders have the knowledge and resources to actively engage in decision-making processes.

Continuous Improvement: JUC values feedback from the participatory bodies and is committed to continuous improvement in its engagement practices. Regular evaluations and reviews help identify areas for enhancement and ensure that the voices of local stakeholders are heard.

By establishing participatory bodies for stakeholder engagement, JUC aims to foster a culture of collaboration, trust, and inclusivity in university decision-making. We recognize that engaging local stakeholders is essential for the long-term well-being and sustainable development of the university and the broader community. Through meaningful participation, we work together to create positive impacts and address the needs and aspirations of all stakeholders.

Corruption and Bribery Principles

We uphold the highest standards of integrity and ethics in all aspects of our operations. As part of our commitment to combat organized crime, corruption, and bribery, we have established clear principles and commitments that guide our actions and decisions. These principles are fundamental to our values and are published to ensure transparency and accountability.

Key Principles on Corruption and Bribery:

  1. Zero Tolerance: JUC maintains a zero-tolerance policy towards corruption and bribery in any form. We strictly prohibit any actions that compromise the integrity of the university or violate ethical standards.
  1. Compliance with Laws and Regulations: We are committed to complying with all applicable laws, regulations, and international standards related to anti-corruption and anti-bribery efforts.
  1. Ethical Decision-Making: JUC promotes ethical decision-making at all levels of the university. We expect all members of the university community, including staff, faculty, students, and external partners, to act with honesty, fairness, and transparency in their dealings.
  1. Prevention and Detection: We implement robust measures to prevent and detect corruption and bribery. These measures include regular risk assessments, internal controls, and ongoing monitoring of potential risks.
  1. Reporting Mechanism: JUC provides a confidential and accessible reporting mechanism for any suspected or actual cases of corruption or bribery. This enables individuals to report concerns without fear of retaliation.
  1. Training and Awareness: We invest in training and awareness programs to educate our community about the risks and consequences of corruption and bribery. These programs empower individuals to recognize and address unethical behaviors.
  1. Due Diligence: JUC conducts thorough due diligence on third parties, such as suppliers, contractors, and business partners, to ensure their compliance with anti-corruption and anti-bribery standards.
  1. Collaboration and Partnerships: We actively collaborate with relevant stakeholders, including law enforcement agencies, regulatory bodies, and industry peers, to collectively combat corruption and bribery.
  1. Whistleblower Protection: JUC provides protection for whistleblowers who report suspected wrongdoing in good faith. We ensure that individuals who report misconduct are shielded from any adverse consequences.
  1. Continuous Improvement: JUC is committed to continuous improvement in our efforts to combat corruption and bribery. We regularly review and enhance our policies and practices to stay ahead of emerging risks and challenges.

By publishing these principles and commitments, JUC aims to demonstrate our unwavering commitment to fostering a culture of integrity and transparency. We believe that by adhering to these principles and working collectively, we can contribute to a fair and ethical society while ensuring the reputation and sustainability of our university.

Corruption and Bribery Principles

JUC recognizes the fundamental importance of academic freedom in promoting a vibrant and intellectually stimulating academic environment. As an institution of higher learning, we are committed to upholding the principles of academic freedom, allowing our faculty members the autonomy to pursue research, teaching, and public discourse without fear of censorship or reprisal. This policy is aimed at safeguarding and promoting academic freedom for all members of our academic community.

Research Freedom for Senior Academics:

Senior academics at JUC are granted the freedom to choose areas of research and exploration based on their expertise and interest. They have the right to pursue innovative and groundbreaking research without undue interference, promoting the advancement of knowledge in their respective fields.

Research Freedom for Junior Academics:

JUC extends the same research freedom to junior academics, recognizing the significance of providing early-career researchers the space and encouragement to explore new ideas and contribute to their fields of study.

Teaching Freedom for Senior Academics:

Senior academics at JUC enjoy the autonomy to design and deliver their courses based on their expertise and pedagogical approach. This freedom allows them to engage students with diverse perspectives and foster critical thinking and intellectual curiosity.

Teaching Freedom for Junior Academics:

Junior academics are also granted teaching freedom, enabling them to develop their teaching methods and approaches, contributing to a dynamic and innovative learning environment.

Key Aspects of JUC’s Academic Freedom Policy:

  1. Non-Discrimination: JUC ensures that academic freedom is provided to all faculty members, regardless of their backgrounds, beliefs, or areas of specialization. Discrimination or bias that impinges on academic freedom is strictly prohibited.
  2. Protection of Research Findings: JUC is committed to protecting the intellectual property rights and research findings of its faculty members. Researchers are entitled to disseminate their findings publicly without fear of restriction or censorship.
  3. Open Inquiry and Debate: JUC promotes open inquiry and constructive debate on academic matters within the university community. Faculty members are encouraged to engage in scholarly discussions, challenging prevailing ideas and advancing knowledge.
  4. Academic Responsibility: While academic freedom grants autonomy, JUC expects its faculty members to uphold high standards of academic rigor, integrity, and ethical conduct. This includes adhering to professional codes of conduct and promoting a supportive and respectful learning environment.
  5. Collaboration and Interdisciplinarity: JUC encourages interdisciplinary collaborations and partnerships to foster an inclusive and holistic approach to research and teaching. Academic freedom extends to collaborative efforts that enrich the university’s academic landscape.

At JUC, academic freedom is regarded as a cornerstone of intellectual growth and excellence. By nurturing an environment where academic freedom flourishes, we aim to contribute to the development of well-rounded scholars and researchers who can address complex challenges and make a positive impact on society. This policy reflects our commitment to nurturing a culture of intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, and scholarly exploration within our academic community.

Publication of University Financial Data


Expert Advice Provision to Government


Policy and Lawmakers Outreach and Education


Participation in Government Policy-Focused Research


Neutral Platform to Discuss Issues