jesselton university college

Jesselton University College and Sabah Society Join Forces in Environmental Advocacy at TAME Center Volunteer Program

In a collaborative effort to champion environmental sustainability, the staff and students of Jesselton University College (JUC) joined hands with the Sabah Society for a meaningful volunteering initiative at the TAME Center today.

Under the insightful guidance of Sir Michael, the dedicated individual overseeing TAME’s operations, the JUC team, in tandem with members of the Sabah Society, embarked on a transformative journey through the center. They explored the wildlife and marine life showrooms, gaining profound insights into local ecosystems. The visit to the center’s little heritage museum further emphasized TAME’s rich legacy in environmental conservation.

The highlight of the day was the hands-on involvement in recycling and upcycling efforts. JUC’s staff and students, in collaboration with Sabah Society members, actively participated in peeling sticker labels off glass bottles and utilizing machines to crush them, contributing to sustainable glass recycling practices. Moreover, they meticulously segmented plastic materials and prepared them for crushing, ensuring an efficient process of plastic recycling.

The synergy between JUC and the Sabah Society in organizing this program underscores a collective dedication to environmental stewardship. By engaging in these practical activities, the collaborative community showcased their commitment to reducing waste and promoting recycling practices, aligning with global efforts to combat environmental degradation.

The impact of this volunteering program at TAME Center extends beyond the immediate activities. It reinforces the ethos of responsible citizenship and instills a sense of environmental consciousness within the JUC and Sabah Society communities, inspiring future generations to take proactive steps towards a greener, more sustainable future.

The commendable joint efforts of JUC’s staff and students, alongside the Sabah Society, in championing environmental preservation serve as a shining example of the power of collaboration and collective action in safeguarding our planet’s precious resources.



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