jesselton university college

DG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation

Water Consumption Tracking


Water Usage and Care:
Wastewater Treatment


Water Usage and Care:
Water System Pollution Prevention


Water Usage and Care:
Free Drinking Water Provision


Water Usage and Care:
Water-Conscious Building Standard


Water Usage and Care:
Water-Conscious Planting


Water Reuse Policy

Effective Date: July 2021

The purpose of this Water Reuse Policy is to establish guidelines and procedures for the responsible and efficient use of water resources within Jesselton University College (JUC). This policy aims to promote sustainability, conservation, and the reduction of water usage on campus.

This policy applies to all faculty, staff, students, contractors, and visitors of JUC who utilize water facilities and resources on campus.

Policy Statement
JUC is committed to implementing sustainable practices and minimizing its environmental impact. In support of this commitment, the following principles guide our water reuse efforts:

a) Water Conservation: JUC promotes the responsible use of water resources by encouraging all members of the university community to conserve water through measures such as reducing unnecessary water consumption, fixing leaks promptly, and using water-efficient fixtures and appliances.

b) Water Reuse: JUC strives to maximize water reuse opportunities on campus. Water suitable for reuse, such as rainwater, greywater, or treated wastewater, shall be utilized for non-potable purposes, such as irrigation, toilet flushing, and cleaning, wherever feasible and in compliance with relevant health and safety regulations.

c) Water Infrastructure: JUC is committed to maintaining and upgrading its water infrastructure to ensure efficient water management. Regular inspections, maintenance, and repairs of water distribution systems and equipment will be conducted to minimize water losses and promote optimal performance.

d) Education and Awareness: JUC will provide educational programs and awareness campaigns to educate and engage the university community on water conservation practices and the importance of water reuse. These initiatives will aim to foster a culture of responsible water usage and sustainability.

To fulfill the objectives of this Water Reuse Policy, the following measures will be implemented:

a) Water Reuse Systems: JUC will explore and implement appropriate systems for capturing, treating, and reusing non-potable water sources on campus, subject to feasibility studies and compliance with regulatory requirements.

b) Water Efficiency Measures: JUC will prioritize the installation of water-efficient fixtures and appliances across campus, including low-flow faucets, toilets, and urinals. Water-saving technologies, such as sensor-based controls and automatic shut-off devices, will be considered for new construction and renovation projects.

c) Monitoring and Reporting: Regular monitoring and reporting of water consumption, water quality, and water reuse initiatives will be conducted to assess progress, identify areas for improvement, and ensure compliance with applicable regulations.

d) Collaboration and Partnerships: JUC will actively seek collaborations and partnerships with relevant stakeholders, government agencies, and industry experts to enhance water reuse practices, explore innovative technologies, and share best practices.

Review and Revision
This Water Reuse Policy will be periodically reviewed and updated as necessary to ensure its effectiveness and alignment with emerging sustainable practices, technological advancements, and regulatory requirements.

By adhering to this Water Reuse Policy, JUC is committed to reducing its environmental footprint and promoting responsible water stewardship for the betterment of our campus and the wider community.

Water Management Educational Opportunities


Conscious Water Usage Promotion


Off-campus Water Conservation Support


Sustainable Water Extraction on Campus


Cooperation on Water Security